Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Canada Land Of Freedom

Respect, Freedom and Belonging this is what every individual all over the world wants. These are values that come with a being Canadian. Not only are these values cherished by all citizens, they are values that make Canada a very attractive place to live and start a family. this is one of the main reasons people come here from all over the globe. Canadian society is said to be a safer United States of America, though this is true we as Canadians want to be known for our own traditional values and beliefs along with those of the people who have moved here and the ones who were here before us, the aboriginal community. 
For many people who immigrate to this country, They see Canada as the almost a winter wonderland of hope in their lives, a country that holds the promise of a new life and a new beginning. By continuing to open our doors and our hearts to newcomers of all ethnicities and backgrounds, we tell the world that we are committed to being flexible, open and willing to accept one another no matter the race or religious views we are all Canadians.

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